Ich freue mich, dass zwei Werke von mir für die jurierte Mitgliederausstellung des Paul-Klinger-Künstlersozialwerks e.V. ausgewählt wurde. Die Ausstellung “Was Menschen berührt” findet im Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Familie, Arbeit und Soziales statt. Für geführte Besichtigungen anmelden unter info@paul-klinger-ksw.de
Kleine visuelle Nachlese zu meiner gemeinsamen Ausstellung mit Eva-Maria Bischof-Kaupp in der Mohr-Villa Freimann im Mai 2019.
Installation mit veränderten Buchseiten aus der “Göttlichen Komödie” Ausstellungsansicht mit veränderten Büchern. Ines SeidelConnecting Newspaper Gestures. Ines Seidel.Arbeiten von Ines Seidel in der Ausstellung “Papier, veränderlich” Blick in die Ausstellung. Hier mit Arbeiten aus dem Zyklus “Nachrichten von der Göttin” im Vordergrund.Ines Seidel (links) und Eva-Maria Bischof-Kaupp bei der Eröffnung der Ausstellung.
A few of my works are currently travelling to Amsterdam to join the group exhibition PAPIER 19. 13 artists who work with paper in different ways exhibit selected works from March 19th to 24th. I am showing some of my little teabag houses, news textures and altered books.
As part of the exhibition programme I am teaching a paper workshop on 22nd and 23rd of March . For two days, participants can alter books with me, take their stories apart and retell them in a threedimensional way – Lunch included.
Both events are organized by Atelier Open, where you also find additional information:
About the workshop: https://www.atelieropen.nl/ines-seidel-workshop/
About the exhibition: https://www.atelieropen.nl/expositie-papier-2019/
A little brochure about my Altering News exhibition last year at the Dachau Water Tower has now been printed. The 20 pages with selected works give an idea of my body of work regarding news and newspaper. Available for 7 EUR plus shipping costs.
From Nov 22nd 2018 to January 11th my exhibition News Fabric can be seen in Munich. I am showing photography, objects and textures made with and from newspaper, wire and thread. The exhibition in the rooms of the SPD-Bürgerbüros, Belgradstraße 15a is open Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. and on Fridays from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m.
News in the shape of news paper. I can consume it or try and keep it out. Which other ways of wearing, bearing or carrying the news are there? Allun Turner took pictures of me with a news texture I made.
Altering News has been my biggest solo show so far. On four floors more than 70 pieces that I worked on in the past two years were on view, many of them for the first time. Here are some impressions:
News shape. Ines Seidel
Ines Seidel with news textures.
Altering News, exhibition view.
I wish it was true. altered newspaper. Ines Seidel.
Softening. altered newspapers. Ines Seidel
Altering News. tour on the 3rd floor.
transmuting news in the exhibition. Ines Seidel.
Workshop area of the exhibition
Altering News questions how we build a physical and emotional contact with newspaper, as material, as medium, as news. In the attic of the water tower, visitors were invited to explore the topic with their own hands.
transmuting news, prototype 28. Ines Seidel.
Looking back on the exhibition, I am thankful for the chance to create a specific and spacious atmosphere in the extensive premises of the water tower and encouraged by the interest and resonance from visitors. It has also been valuable for me to be in contact with the city of Dachau, a city whose very name elicits physical and emotional reactions.
Here are some impressions from my recent exhibition “Papier. Los!” (Paper. Go!) at the Old Jailhouse in Freising. From Jan 27 to Feb 4 the space was filled with works from paper. I was there with my artist friend Eva-Maria Bischof-Kaupp, who presented new drawings and prints and many threedimensional pieces. I showed works with altered books, especially Dante’s “Divine Comedy”, new pieces from newspaper and also the recent occupation with cracks in the road that I conserved on paper.
attention catcher. texture from headlines. Ines Seidel
The transformation of news – with newspapers as the main material – is still my main theme. There will be a solo exhibition on this next May at the water tower in Dachau.
The annual palace exhibition of the association of artists in Dachau has just been opened. I had been invited as one of 21 artists to show one piece that relating to the theme “2 x 2 m”.
To comply with the rules, I filled a 2 x 2 m space with newspaper bowls. 251 of them were needed. As I wanted to connect these news containters into one form, I stitched them together and created a news shape. Its dimensions are roughly 1,5 x 1 x 0,5 m.
The news shape, paintings, installation and video art can be seen at Palace Dachau until Sept 3 2017. Many thanks to Künstlervereinigung Dachau for an exciting exhibition in a special location.