are my words
too heavy, too solid
to transport the
I want to convey.
Tag Archives: Kommunikation
KOMMUNikation – Vernissage
Many thanks to all who came to the opening of the exhibition KOMMUNikation last week! The show can be seen until the end of September during opening hours of the town hall Neufahrn. Here are some impressions:
Noch mehr Fotos zur Ausstellung gibt es hier im flickr-Album.
ice cold stories
Your frosty smile –
maybe the tip of an iceberg that is melting.
it can only be cool, the invitation
to follow the trace of your mammoth.
After I have been conserving stories in wax I naturally moved to ice. Frozen water immediately starts melting at room temperature – that fits very well to the stories that are also constantly changing their state. Keeping memories frozen must cost a lot of energy!
You can find more pictures of ice cold stories in this flickr-set.