15 to 27 plastic bags

18 plastic bags, sewn together with conciliatory gestures. Ines SeidelFrom a material with a history that reaches back thousands of years, we have created shopping statements. This cannot be the end of the story. Plastic bags are a cultural misunderstanding. That is why it took conciliatory gestures to grow 18 plastic bags into a wall hanging. And with gestures of joy, 15 plastic bags began to bloom again. 27 other plastic bags began to remember their long history that also includes life on the bottom of a sea.
15 plastic bags,sewn together with gestures of joy. Ines Seidel
27 plastic bags, remembering. Ines Seidel

The last time I was working with plastic bags I created patterns with my little frame loom. See more in this posting.

New word hangings

word hanging "Loops" - Ines SeidelAt a hobby shop I discovered 25×25 cm pieces of wire mesh. They seemed perfect for stabilizing words on the loose! My first experiment was with text loops circling around the wire. It created an atmospheric 3D structure.
For my second experiment I wanted to sew the text to the wire. I cut Scandinavian troll tales into stripes, marked some with Indian ink and waxed them partially before stitching. The structure got more dense and ready to absorb some characters.
word hanging troll tales - Ines Seidel

More pictures (click to enlarge)

word hanging troll tales - detail

detail with faces

word hanging troll tales from the back

from the back

working on the word hanging troll tales

work in progress

word hanging Loops - detail


two word hangings

two word hangings

My first word hangings are heroic legends, crocheted with wool. Have a look!

Mended Bowls

blue paper bowl, mendedCreative destruction: Some time ago I made two paper bowls with a bit of blue paper. They turned out rather nice, but something was missing. They had nothing interesting to tell. So I finally destroyed them: I ripped the blue one into three pieces. And from the grey bowl I cut out some drop shaped forms. Well, then I took needle and yarn and mended the broken bowls again.
paper bowl, mended