Papier, veränderlich

Kleine visuelle Nachlese zu meiner gemeinsamen Ausstellung mit Eva-Maria Bischof-Kaupp in der Mohr-Villa Freimann im Mai 2019.

Installation mit veränderten Buchseiten aus der "Göttlichen Komödie"
Installation mit veränderten Buchseiten aus der “Göttlichen Komödie”
Ausstellungsansicht mit veränderten Büchern. Ines Seidel
Connecting Newspaper Gestures. Ines Seidel.
Arbeiten von Ines Seidel in der Ausstellung “Papier, veränderlich”
Blick in die Ausstellung. Hier mit Arbeiten aus dem Zyklus “Nachrichten von der Göttin” im Vordergrund.
Ines Seidel (links) und Eva-Maria Bischof-Kaupp bei der Eröffnung der Ausstellung.

Altering News

Poster_Altering News. Ines Seidel
Altering News has been my biggest solo show so far. On four floors more than 70 pieces that I worked on in the past two years were on view, many of them for the first time. Here are some impressions:
Altering News. exhibition view.

News shape. Ines Seidel

News shape. Ines Seidel

Ines Seidel with news textures.

Ines Seidel with news textures.

Altering News, exhibition view.

Altering News, exhibition view.

I wish it was true. altered newspaper. Ines Seidel.

I wish it was true. altered newspaper. Ines Seidel.

Softening. altered newspapers. Ines Seidel

Softening. altered newspapers. Ines Seidel

Altering News. tour on the 3rd floor.

Transmuting News in the exhibition. Ines Seidel.

transmuting news in the exhibition. Ines Seidel.

Workshop area of the exhibition

Workshop area of the exhibition

Altering News questions how we build a physical and emotional contact with newspaper, as material, as medium, as news. In the attic of the water tower, visitors were invited to explore the topic with their own hands.

transmuting news, prototype 28. Ines Seidel.

transmuting news, prototype 28. Ines Seidel.

Looking back on the exhibition, I am thankful for the chance to create a specific and spacious atmosphere in the extensive premises of the water tower and encouraged by the interest and resonance from visitors. It has also been valuable for me to be in contact with the city of Dachau, a city whose very name elicits physical and emotional reactions.

  • read press articles about the exhibition in Süddeutschen Zeitung and
    Dachauer Nachrichten (in German)
  • see more videos in the Youtube playlist Altering News
  • see more photos in the Flickr Album Altering News
  • news shape at “2 x 2 m”

    news shape at Dachau Palace. Ines Seidel

    news shape at Dachau Palace. Ines Seidel

    The annual palace exhibition of the association of artists in Dachau has just been opened. I had been invited as one of 21 artists to show one piece that relating to the theme “2 x 2 m”.
    To comply with the rules, I filled a 2 x 2 m space with newspaper bowls. 251 of them were needed. As I wanted to connect these news containters into one form, I stitched them together and created a news shape. Its dimensions are roughly 1,5 x 1 x 0,5 m.

    The news shape, paintings, installation and video art can be seen at Palace Dachau until Sept 3 2017. Many thanks to Künstlervereinigung Dachau for an exciting exhibition in a special location.

    workshop paper and wire in Munich

    beispielarbeiten_3bilder_1000xIf you feel inspired to create with paper and wire the next workshop at MachWerk München (Schulstraße 1, Neuhausen) is for you! On Saturday, 24th of November 2018, we will combine paper and wire to create delicate structures, small objects or christmas decoration. Apart from paper and wire we will also use wallpaper paste and – depending on what you like – yarn, beads, found objects etc.. My main aim for the day will be to give your creativity space and support you in realizing your own wire and paper projects.

    The workshop starts at 9.30 a.m. and ends at 4.30. p.m. There will be a lunch and coffee break.

    I will bring along wire, paper, wallpaper paste and tools. All you need to bring is an interest in experimenting. And – if you want – also

  • paper you like to work with: e.g. tissue paper, wrapping paper, book pages. For working with wallpaper paste the paper should be absorbent
  • your own wire working tools (pliers), if you have one
  • wire of your choice. Simple binding wire (ca. 0,6 mm thick, iron) is available in the workshop. If you like to work with coloured or thin wire you get those at craft shops.
  • wallpaper paste takes some time to dry. all purpose adhesives are a faster alternative.
  • additional materials of your choice: beads, buttons, yarns, natural materials ,…
  • pen and paper for making sketches
  • a container to transport your creations home
  • cost per person: 75 EUR

    number of participants: minimum 4, maximum 8.

    Please email to register. I will send you payment details and further information. Registration is valid after payment has been made.

    Paper & Explorations in Australia

    Newcastle, NSW
    For almost two weeks have I been in Australia, far too little time to get to know the country. Yet, the people, places and landscapes I met made me fall in love with this part of Earth. Here are some impressions that I collected in Newcastle and Ballarat.

    Newcastle is a coastal city in New South Wales that welcomed me with nice weather, beautiful beaches and fine little shops. My wonderful host Anne Kempton runs the Timeless Textiles Gallery in a part of Newcastle’s former lock-up. This was also the venue for my three-day-workshop Crocheted Stories. Anne inspired me with her dedication to fostering contemporary fibre arts, her commitment to community work and – last but not least – her delicious veggie food.

    Newcastle Art Gallery

    With “Black White & Restive the Newcastle Art Gallery had an excellent exhibition of contemporary Australian art.

    plant and beach patterns found in Newcastle, NSW

    plant and beach patterns found in Newcastle.

    The former lock-up is today the exhibition space Lock-Up and home of the Timeless Textiles Gallery

    The former lock-up is today the exhibition space Lock-Up and home of the Timeless Textiles Gallery.

    impressions from the  Crocheted Stories workshop in Newcastle

    impressions from the Crocheted Stories workshop in Newcastle.

    My next destination was Ballarat, Victoria, some 1,5 hrs out of Melbourne. The energetic Glenys Mann had invited me to teach a workshop during the Fibre Arts Australia Winter School that she organizes on a regular basis. For five days I had my students explore ways to take paper apart and put it together again. We even had time to alter some books! The whole week was a lot of fun, with a tribe of fibre arts women from 8 different workshops bustling about, with entertaining events to top off the day, and with yummy traditional Australian desserts on every single evening.
    Despite the intense work on paper projects, there was time left to get to know a bit of Ballarat. Lake Wendouree with its sanctuary for birds was just around the corner. And one of my workshop participants made sure I got to see some kangaroos and koalas at the local Wildlife Park.
    I left Australia feeling blessed with new inspirations and friendships.

    Fibre Arts Australia in Ballarat.

    Welcome to Fibre Arts Australia in Ballarat! During the winter school around 100 participants from 8 workshops peopled the campus.

    exhibition from my workshop "Paper, Yarn & Explorations"

    exhibition from my workshop “Paper, Yarn & Explorations”

    Impression from my workshop "Paper, Yarn & Explorations"

    impressions from my workshop “Paper, Yarn & Explorations” in Ballarat

    Ballarat Wildlife Park Ballarat.

    Ballarat Wildlife Park.

    gifts from Australia

    gifts from Australia.

    The Talk

    Maske mit Sprechblase. Ines Seidel
    “The Talk” was an installation that was on show at the a href=””>Friday Gallery, Munich during Munich Jewellery Week from 24 Feb to 1 March. In a dialogue with the South African artist Allun Turner I have been creating jewellery objects, textures and masks from newspaper. Over the course of several weeks I got the chance to dive deeper into my favorite subject – words and gestures. Here are a few impressions:

    The Talk. installation view. Ines Seidel.

    The Talk. installation view. Ines Seidel.

     texture from burst speech bubbles. Ines Seidel

    texture from burst speech bubbles. Ines Seidel

    Allun Turner. trophy head.

    Allun Turner. trophy head.

    Allun Turner @ The Talk

    Allun Turner @ The Talk

    pendant made from newspaper. Ines Seidel.

    pendant made from newspaper. Ines Seidel.

    show your wound. ring made with paper.  Ines Seidel.

    show your wound. ring made with paper. Ines Seidel.

    "The Talk". Ausschnitt. Ines Seidel

    “The Talk”. Ausschnitt. Ines Seidel

    cloud installation @ Ispo

    clouds made from waste: Installation with ISPO Tandem Space

    clouds made from waste: Installation with ISPO Tandem Space

    For seven exiting days, I have been part of the ISPO Tandem Space team that turns waste of the huge ISPO sports fair in Munich into a unique floating installation. Plastic foil of the ISPO exhibitors was used to stuff old textiles and form cloud shaped objects. During ISPO opening hours, the clouds got covered by the artwork of Adam Hartshorne, MAJILINA, Miguel Panadero Escala, Rafa Moreno-Tapia and me.
    Work in Progress.

    Work in Progress.

    Tandem Space is the brainchild of Rafa Moreno-Tapia and Miguel Panadero. The Spanish artists have been realizing recycling art projects with ISPO for three years now, each time collaborating with different artists of different European countries. I met them at Stroke Ltd last October and was happy to be invited to join a process that is perfectly in line with my other work.
    cloud installation with ISPO Tandem Space

    cloud installation with ISPO Tandem Space

    I painted and scribbled on some of “my clouds”, on others I used cardboard or paper to create interesting textures. The surface of my favourite piece was made with plastic chords.
    Teil der Wolken-Installation. Foto: Rafa Moreno-Tapia

    part of the cloud installation. Foto: Rafa Moreno-Tapia

    The cloud installation is planned to be exhibited once more at Stroke Artfair in May 2016. Finally, the individual pieces will be sold in an auction with the benefits going to Movember Foundation.

    Procreate Project

    On the 15th of December the Procreate Project will launch in London. The initiative has been founded to support and network with international mother artists. More than 100 artists contribute to the launching exhibition at the Women’s Art Library at the University of London. Until 18th of December the works are shown in specially made photozines. I am represented with the photo series “Our Baby”.

    Our Baby. self with news. Ines Seidel.

    Our Baby. self with news. photography.

    The five piece installation “One” will also be shown during the launch event. It is currently on the way to London.
    ONE. Ines Seidel.

    ONE. pigment transfer, wire, ink on concrete.

    I am the chicken and the egg,
    I am the shell and the crack.
    I am the nest. I leave the nest.
    I am in pieces that do not rhyme.
    I am in pieces that rhyme with